Wallo267: Age, Height, Net Worth & Love Life

Wallace Peeples, also known as Wallo267, is a 43-year-old from Philadelphia, USA. He’s known for his work as a writer, speaker, and on YouTube, sharing stories and advice that many people find inspiring. He’s made a good career for himself in these areas, earning a net worth of $2 million.

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What’s the real name of Wallo267?

Wallo267’s full name is Wallace Peeples.

How old is Wallo267?

Wallace Peeples is 43 years old (as of 2023).

What is Wallo267’s date of birth?

Wallo267’s date of birth is 21 June 1979.

What is Wallo267’s zodiac sign?

Wallo267’s zodiac sign is Cancer.

Where was Wallo267 born?

Wallace Peeples was born in Philadelphia, United States.

Where does Wallo267 currently reside?

Wallo267 currently resides in Philadelphia, United States.

What is Wallo267’s nationality?

Wallace Peeples is American.

What ethnicity does Wallo267 belong to?

The ethnicity of Wallo267 is not specifically mentioned, but he is American.

What is Wallo267’s religion?

Wallo267’s religious beliefs are not disclosed.

What is Wallo267’s sexuality?

Wallo267’s sexuality is not publicly discussed.

How tall is Wallo267?

Wallo267 stands around 6 feet tall.

What color are Wallo267’s hair and eyes?

Wallo267 has brown hair and black eyes.

Who is Wallo267’s mother?

The name of Wallo267’s mother is not available.

How many siblings does Wallo267 have?

Information about Wallo267’s siblings is not provided.

What is Wallo267’s relationship status?

Wallo267 is married to April Styles.

What is Wallo267’s profession?

Wallace Peeples is an author, public speaker, and YouTuber.