Bailey Zimmerman: Age, Height, Net Worth & Love Life

Bailey Zimmerman is a 24-year-old singer and songwriter from Louisville, Illinois, now living in Nashville, Tennessee. He’s become popular on TikTok and in music, building a net worth of $600,000. Bailey’s story shows how young artists can make it big today using social media.

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What is Bailey Zimmerman’s full name?

Bailey Zimmerman’s full name is Bailey Zimmerman.

How old is Bailey Zimmerman?

Bailey Zimmerman is 24 years old (as of 2024).

What is Bailey Zimmerman’s date of birth?

Bailey Zimmerman’s date of birth is 27 January 2000.

What is Bailey Zimmerman’s zodiac sign?

Bailey Zimmerman’s zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Where was Bailey Zimmerman born?

Bailey Zimmerman was born in Louisville, Illinois, United States.

Where does Bailey Zimmerman currently reside?

Bailey Zimmerman currently resides in Nashville, Tennessee, United States.

What is Bailey Zimmerman’s nationality?

Bailey Zimmerman is American.

What ethnicity does Bailey Zimmerman belong to?

Bailey Zimmerman is White.

What is Bailey Zimmerman’s religion?

Bailey Zimmerman follows Christianity.

What is Bailey Zimmerman’s sexuality?

Bailey Zimmerman is straight.

How tall is Bailey Zimmerman?

Bailey Zimmerman is 5’7” tall.

What is Bailey Zimmerman’s weight in pounds and kilograms?

Bailey Zimmerman weighs 141 pounds or 64 kilograms.

What color are Bailey Zimmerman’s hair and eyes?

Bailey Zimmerman has auburn hair and green eyes.

Who is Bailey Zimmerman’s mother?

Bailey Zimmerman’s mother is Kristi Bailey Haerr.

How many siblings does Bailey Zimmerman have?

Bailey Zimmerman has 2 siblings.

What is Bailey Zimmerman’s relationship status?

Bailey Zimmerman is single.

What is Bailey Zimmerman’s profession?

Bailey Zimmerman is a singer, songwriter, and TikToker.